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8 Hz

Nel In 1952 Winfred Otto Shumann foresaw with a highly precise scientific method how the surface of the earth and the ionosphere interact deeply like a gigantic capacitor, where the earth has negative polarization and the ionosphere negative.
Shumann demonstrated how in the cavity formed between the earth's surface and the ionosphere a sort of wave guide develops, a resonance cavity for very low frequency electromagnetic waves (ELF), whose trigger factor was the discharges of lightning and whose fundamental peak was 7.83 Hz.
This fundamental frequency, therefore, is a standing wave in the resonance cavity between the Earth and the ionosphere, whose wavelength is equal to the circumference of the Earth itself.
Not only. Shumann discovered how this fundamental frequency of 7.83 Hz was subject to variations due to various temporary factors. However, frequencies above 7.83 Hz were divided by regular intervals of 6.5 Hz, whose eighth overtone is about 60 Hz (59.83 Hz). This precise calculation was determined by taking into account the spherical geometry of the atmosphere.
It was therefore a gigantic planetary phenomenon of magnetic resonance, able to interact not only with matter, but also with living beings.
This simple axiom laid the foundations for the so-called "Shumann resonance", a thesis according to which the entire universe is characterized by energetic resonance fields at all levels, from sub-atomic particles to galaxies and nebulae, all in constant resonance. between them.
According to this principle, the external vibrational frequencies have a direct influence on the physiological and psychological condition of the living being.
The Shumann resonance postulated the thesis, later confirmed by facts, that this powerful magnetic structure in constant vibration generated very low frequency electromagnetic waves and fields (ELF) whose main peaks were 7.83, 14.3, 20.8, 27.3 and 33.8 Hz .
Shumann's thesis was then resumed and confirmed by Shumann's successful scientist Erbert König, according to which there was a very close correlation between the frequency of 7.83 Hz and the resonant frequency of the hippocampus, the part of the brain inserted in the limbic system that has a crucial role in long-term memory and in spatial navigation.
These already amazing researches were implemented and completed by Andrija Puharich, an American physician and pioneer of electrobiology, neurophysiology and bio-cybernetics.
Among his pioneering works, the creation of a technology, still used today, which allows the deaf to hear through electrostimulation of the brain.
In the 1960s Puharich discovered how the eight cycles per second, or 8 Hz, was the frequency band that allowed the brain to activate extrasensory abilities, such as "remote vision", telepathy, telekinesis and other extraordinary abilities already present in the man but doze off. Furthermore, he discovered how 8 Hz were able to increase the predisposition to learn, to increase intuition and enhance creativity.
It was then demonstrated that the brain was very sensitive to any instrument that emitted frequency waves, including ELFs.
Puharich's thesis, according to which the frequency of 8 Hz and more precisely that of 7.83 Hz, which is the frequency of terrestrial vibration, was able to have beneficial effects on the brain but also on the whole physical body.
This particular frequency, considered the "code of life" because it is present in nature as the very condition of being, had the ability to overcome any physical and energetic barrier and be autonomous with respect to the known limits of the matter of our space-time.
Another of the most extraordinary characteristics of the 8 Hz (7.83 Hz) frequency is that of being able to generate superconductivity, because it has a "fractal" type wave symmetry, based on the golden proportion and therefore on the irrational number indicated with the Greek letter phi (1.61803…). nautilusThis fractal nature interacts positively, almost in an "intelligent" way, with the pineal gland, which is also endowed with this divine symmetry, prompting it to release "melatonin", a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake heart rhythm,
Melatonin is considered a hormonal synchronizer antagonist of aging, precisely because of its ability to induce sleep, increasing the REM phase and reducing brain damage, due to free radicals, which occur in particularly serious degenerative diseases such as " Parkinson's ”and“ Alzheimer's dementia ”. The loss of synchrony of the hormonal system is in fact the first cause of aging and the increased probability that these particularly serious types of degenerative diseases may occur.
On the other hand, the pineal gland is activated by the emission of audio frequencies at eight cycles per second, while the melatonin, produced by the aforementioned gland, induces the mitotic replication of DNA with an identical signal, contributing to the repair of DNA damage due to old age.
Not only that: the pineal gland, appropriately stimulated, favors the release of seratonin, acting as a strong antidepressant action and thus strengthening the immune system.
Thus, the strong correlation existing between the ELF waves at 8 Hz and the anti-aging and antidepressant action on the individual's immune system starting from the brain is proven.
Recently, researchers have also discovered that the correct meditation practice with closed eyes stimulates the brain to work with alpha-type waves; therefore, the synchronization of the two cerebral hemispheres begins to work starting from the eight cycles per second.
This powerful bi-hemispheric synchronization increases the production of endorphins by carrying out a moderate anti-neoplastic action.