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Giovanni Amighetti

Giovanni Amighetti, class 1971. Musician and producer.
He begins with Giulio Capiozzo of the AREA so from the mid-90s he is with Realworld artists, the label of Peter Gabriel. You produce Terem Quartet, Adel Salameh, Mari Boine and Ayub Ogada with whom you also hold several tours.
With Guo Yue, Gjermund Silset and Helge Norbakken he realizes Shan Qi, which after a few tours in Europe and the USA records the "Energia delle montagne" DVD in the Italian Alps which will be awarded as the best DVD by German critics in 2009. He composes the song Avalon sigla Rete of the Asian BBC4. For FAO in Rome he plays in front of 500,000 people. He is an honorary citizen of California.
He also produces, comps and performs with: Fred Frith, Wu Fei, Carla Kihlstedt, Ace (Skunk Anansie), Michael Urbano (Smah Mouth), Nigel Sanders, Leo Bud Welch, Faris Amine (Tinariwen), Dardasha, N.A.S.A., Nintendo. Also in Italy with Vladimir Denissenov, Tiziana Ghiglioni.