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The concept

"Eleison", name of the duo formed by Chiara Diviggiano (singer-songwriter) and Marika Gianfreda (pianist and composer), arises from the need to create a communion between the deepest, "good", white part of man and the more superficial one, materialistic, "black". A resolution of a dualism that is almost impossible to celebrate in reality, because all of us, in the dynamism of the days we live in, are led to deal with “practical issues” that distance us from our interiority; those who try to live their spiritual life to the fullest, in most cases find themselves eliminating everyday life, choosing to live in a state of hermeticism and alienation that transforms spiritual beauty into simple fanaticism. Eleison is a Greek word which means “FORGIVE”. It is precisely in this word that we find the resolution of man's soul dualism. Man makes mistakes constantly, against himself and against others, at times he does it voluntarily, at others he does not even realize it. Precisely this last point gives us an important starting point for reflection: man makes mistakes with others without realizing it because he is simply different from those around him. He has had different experiences, he grew up in different environments, his thought of him was formed in different schools and movements. A diversity that, while characterizing us on the one hand, on the other makes us lack delicacy towards the sensibilities of others. When they point it out to us, the feeling of frustration often pervades us, because we do not understand, it is a mistake that our memory does not know how to analyze and split and then we say the classic phrase "I will never forgive you". From here, human detachments, fractures of feelings, of trust that remain in the soul and silent grow by changing us, too often for the worse. FORGIVENESS, a key word in our opinion, because if only we could forgive ourselves and forgive those around us we would be able to move forward and live a more peaceful life and in soul communion with others, enjoying and learning from the diversity of others.

The stage character

Eleison is an energetic and conceptual fusion of two distinct personalities (Chiara and Marika), united by the desire to emanate Love through music. It thus becomes a larger entity, a single character, the union of the luminous that characterizes us and makes us give to others that surpasses and envelops the darker one that represents all our materialism. Eleison is on the one hand a welcoming and charismatic personality, on the other mysterious. He fully reflects the dualism that created her and the mystery of him is closed precisely in this choice to accept, be and forgive his dualistic nature of him. The look follows the same description. The predominant colors are white and black, also associated, in general complementary colors are used. It is an elegant character that is expressed as follows: on the one hand, the representation of an angelic figure (Chiara) who tells of the goal to be reached internally through an androgynous image in which everyone can easily identify; on the other hand there is the representation of the determined woman who manifests in her strength a whole world of passion, will and non-acceptance of social gender differences (Marika). The message he launches is ALWAYS positive: one of hope, of union, of description of reality, of feelings and relationships with others.