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Francesca Stangoni

Francesca Francesca Stangoni was born in Naples, where she graduated from the Oriental University Institute, specializing in Chinese language and culture.
He currently lives in the Marche region and works in a private company, leader in the telecommunications sector. I am the Back-Office Export Purchasing and Export Manager
In the past years he has done various jobs in the private sector. Despite the frenetic pace and family commitments that have arisen over time, he has never stopped dedicating himself to the hobbies he still cultivates with passion and energy: acting, traveling, writing, organizing events, music and sports.
He has applied for acting courses and dance / theater training internships in recent years and from 2015 to 2019 he organized, wrote and directed musical performances where he involved up to 40 artists from mixed sectors and genres: pop music, oriental dance, instrumental , storytelling, acting, live music, aerial fabrics, percussion, rock music and classical music.
Due to the restrictions of Covid19 and the subsequent Lockdown, she had to stop organizing events in the theater and this pushed her to focus on another sector, experimenting from below, through her curiosity and self-study, a genre that has always admired: the cinematography.
He wrote and directed for the first time, as an emerging artist and, his first short film entitled "Prove di power" - The Short Movie which was shot on 27 September 2020 and which is currently in pre-selection through several national and international competitions dedicated to the Cinema, in the Short Films section.
In April 2021 he shot my second short film entitled "Kofi's Dream", an exciting video documentary about the hopeless journey of an African refugee.
It defines itself ... a volcano of ideas, in constant evolution.

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