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Effetto Notte

"Effetto Notte Arte Musica Spettacolo" was born on January 5, 2008 with the name of "Waiting for the Befana", from a brilliant intuition of dr. Maurizio Greco and Ms Miria Gravili, his partner, with the aim of representing a varied showcase of opportunities for Talents from Salento and Puglia belonging to the world of Music, Cinema, Art and Culture.
In recent years, Effetto Notte has collaborated and continues to do so with public figures from the world of cinema such as the Music and Film Producer Guido De Angelis and his sons Marco and Nicola, with the Film and Television Producers Gian Gabriele Foschini, Alessandro Tartaglia Polcini, Domenico Magno. , Mauro and Andrea Preti, Salvatore Pagano, with the Rai Cinema Producers Antonella Doria and Marina Ruggiero, with the Directors Davide Dapporto, Mauro Russo, Denis Rabaglia, Francesca Muci, Diego De Giorgi, Tony Domenici, Alberto Ferrari, Cinzia Torrini, Sergio Rubini, with the great Music Producers Giovanni Amighetti, Francesco Ciccotti and Paolo De Falco, with Musicians Arrangers of the caliber of Luigi Panico, Frank Nemola and Dario Comuzzi and important Actors and Actresses from the world of Cinema with whom, in addition to numerous professional collaborations, a deep friendship is also established with special agreements such as Laura Chiatti, Marco Bocci, Raoul Bova, Serena Autieri, Bianca Guaccero, Diego Abatantuono, Antonio Folletto, Antonio Catania, Beppe Convertini, Francesco Meoni, Maurizio Di Meo, Pippo Franco, Walter Nestola, Gianguido Baldi, Fausto Romano, Simona Borioni, Samantha Michela Capitoli, Massimo Dapporto, the American actor Billy Zane .
The main point of reference in the Art of Effetto Notte sector is a great and dear friend, Prof. Sabatini, Honorary President of the Accademia della Crusca.
Effetto Notte - Arte Musica Spettacolo is a Salento and international reality, thanks to and after the very prestigious Italian Excellence Award conferred at the 77th Venice International Film Festival, in September 2020, as well as with the registration in the Foundation's Roll of Gold. Excellence Award in Washington DC.
In this regard, the Patrons were joined today also by very important professionals in the world of production, music and bel canto Dr. Anna Maria Leucci, the artistic consultant and international pianist accompanying opera singers, the Maestra Renata Nemola and the international baritone and vocal coach of famous artists such as Il Volo, Maestro Fulvio Massa, today also the Artistic Director of the Effetto Notte - Arte Musica Spettacolo event.