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The "Tiple - mutant guitar" sample library professionally emulates the Argentine tiple, a stringed instrument tuned like the guitar, featuring 4 choruses of triple strings. The first two string choruses (E and B) all strings play in unison. The other two strings (G and D) are tuned in alternating octaves; respectively, the middle string is tuned normally, while the two outer strings are an octave higher.
The triple is both a rhythmic and melodic instrument and is played both with a plectrum and with the finger.
tiple mini

The first sample library dedicated to the Argentinian tiple, with a graphic design accurate in every detail and an audio engine completely designed to get the most out of the permormance.
12 totally independent keyswitches allow to obtain the maximum of melodic expressiveness.



In "solo" or "notes" mode, the notes on the keyboard of the instrument can be played independently, with a chromatic range of over two octaves, and the four open strings, with the possibility of automatic tuning of the same.


Two different strumming modes, manual and automatic with chord recognition, facilitate the execution of the rhythm.

Possibility of adjusting the "slide time", i.e. the speed time of the slide on the keyboard. Adjustment of the picking (time and velocity of the strumming) and of the rhythmic execution swing.

Strumming execution speed management, assignable on CC

Tremolo indipendente con regolazione del tempo di durata e gestione mediante modulation whell.

Assignment of up to 8 different rhythmic patterns, chosen from 96 alternatives and written to emulate the most important grooves of ethnic & world music, expand the application possibilities of the sample library in any musical genre.

  • Control of three independent effects: Reverb, Delay, Filter XY
  • Complete control of all parameters
  • Assignment of both ambient FX and individual presets pre-set by HALion
  • Independent control of the mixing of each single string and of each chorus of triple strings via on/off switch
  • Single and general volume control
  • Pan L/R
  • General three-band equalizationHi-pass & low-pass filter
  • Management of background noise (sliding of the strings on the fretboard , slide noise)
  • General loudness

tehnical features

Requires Steinberg HALion 6.3.0, HALion Sonic 3, HALion Sonic SE

sample fully customizable library 4251 files 4 round-robin 12 solo performance mode check manual of the s 2 auto strumming mode and 1 manual control mode management of the slide time speed of independent strumming 96 presets divided into 13 musical genres mode notes, chords, patterns check of the tremolo to the modulation well management complete and independent of noise sxf management complete and independent string mixing, eq, band pass filter, loudness, 3 professional sound equalizer effects: reverb, delay and filterXY