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Circular Music

Circular Music is an ancestral musical form based on the continuous repetition of simple melodic cells for the entire duration of the musical composition. Sometimes, simple and obsessive melodic cells can contain small musical variations and often be enriched by musical patterns of other instruments, in order to create complex and harmonically rich compositions, resulting more catchy, while retaining their nature of cyclical music, therefore obsessive. and repetitive (think of the case of the well-known Bolero, composed in 1928 by Maurice Ravel).
Most likely, this musical form dates back to the dawn of music, when the compositions were very simple and aimed at the pursuit of trance and spiritual and religious meditation, understood in a broad sense.
Despite being a very ancient musical form, Circular Music became a source of inspiration for many avant-garde and minimalist composers of the twentieth century, including Steve Reich, Philip Glass and Wim Mertens.